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Switching classes
I'm happy for a student to swop to a different level if the original class turns out to be unsuitable.
Missing classes
If you have a change of circumstances and can't make the workshop times, subject to mutual agreement I will exchange two workshop sessions for one individual one hour lesson.
Occasionally I may have to cancel a class due to illness or other factors.  In this case I will extend the term by a week or,  if impossible, add an extra session at a weekend or in the week.

The venue of the workshops changes from time to time but usually remains the same for the duration of a term. Occasionally it may chane at short notice.


But we'll always be in central London and as convenient for public transport as possible.


The cost of the course is kept very low as the venues have been free but if a free venue is not available I reserve the right to use a venue which does charge and this would probably cause the course fee to be raised in the region of 15-20%.




All my musical material and arrangements are purely for educational use within the workshops and not for performance elsewhere. (unless with permission)











# The small print

photo: Punk Toad

photo: Jim Bradbury

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